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To Ofakim- Post-Pesach Greeting

05/08/2024 02:14:07 PM


Rabbi Rudin

Shalom Friends;

Below, please find a greeting we prepared and sent to the Ofakim Community, our partner community in Israel (located in Southern Israel) in conclusion of Passover and wishing them a Happy Israel Independence Day.


 Ofakim and Metrowest have been in a partnership since the 1990’s- a partnership dramatically strengthened and reinforced this past year in the...Read more...

Torah with Rabbi Rudin: Check out Rabbi Rudin's Hebrew and Torah classes!

05/01/2024 02:39:50 AM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

Rabbi Rudin

D’var Torah for Pesach, 5784 The Three Needs of the Exodus

04/17/2024 01:27:08 PM


Free Yourself and Your Home of the...

Israel Solidarity Delegation Last Report

04/10/2024 10:11:33 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Our trip to partner community Ofakim

Resilience, Hope, Solidarity- Final Thoughts

Our group in front of the memorial mural of October 7th when fifty citizens of Ofakim lost their lives, many in the acts of defense that eventually drove the terrorists out of the city.

The shelter of anonymity...

Israel Solidarity Mission Part II -Southern Israel- Tears, Love, Determination

04/03/2024 10:36:57 AM


Rabbi Rudin

In this week’s Torah portion, Shemini, we relive the harrowing deaths of the projected future leaders of the nation, Aaron’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu.

Wise, kind, virtuous and gifted, the two young men approach the Holy of Holies without permission on the day when the Tabernacle is inaugurated.  As divine flame emerges from the Holy of Holies to consume the offering outside on the altar, signaling the arrival of G-d’s...Read more...

Adath Shalom’s Israel Solidarity Delegation -March, 2024

03/26/2024 09:15:51 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Memorial at the Nova Music Festival Site


Four intense days of volunteering, supporting, bearing...

Parshat VaYikra- Hearing, Heeding and Doing

03/20/2024 09:39:07 AM


Rabbi Rudin

(G-d) called to Moses and spoke to him…

The first word of this week’s Torah portion, VaYikra, is one of the most immediate and evocative of the entire scripture.   Take a look at the way it appears in every Torah scroll in the world:

VaYikra- G-d is...

Parshat Pekudei: Looking at Our Community Through the Eyes of a Guest

03/13/2024 10:34:12 AM


Rabbi Rudin

A few weeks ago, Rabbi Rafi Tvizer of Ofakim, Israel, part of a delegation to the Greater MetroWest Jewish Federation sent from the communities that had been devastated by the horrific events of Black Shabbat, arrived to stay with me for two nights as part of the home hospitality featured in these emotional and powerful delegations.  I have known Rabbi Rafi- we met while both volunteering during cleanup from Hurricane Sandy when he was...Read more...

D’var Torah: VaYakhel- Our Tabernacle, Our Community, Our World

03/06/2024 09:28:24 AM


Rabbi Rudin

This Week’s Torah Portion Speaks About the Needs of Our Day

This week’s Torah portion describes the actual assembly of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), or wilderness sanctuary, which served as the spiritual center of the Jewish encampment on the way to the Promised...Read more...

Parshat Ki Tissa, 5784 - The Golden Calf and the Pattern of Brokeness -

02/27/2024 01:16:07 PM


Rabbi Rudin

A disturbing pattern appears throughout the Torah narratives.


At first, everything seems pristine and pure.  G-d’s intention and plan moves forward to a stunning and holy conclusion- and then there’s a sudden dark turn that forces G-d’s hand as it were and a new, broken reality...Read more...

        A Special Shabbat Guest, this coming Shabbat, 2/23-24

02/20/2024 09:03:21 AM



Dear Adath Shalom Mishpacha (family);

Rabbi Rafi Tvizer of Ofakim

We are all looking forward to an exciting upcoming weekend! Rabbi Rafi Tvizer from the “City of Heroes”, our Ofakim...Read more...

Tarshat Teruma - Building the Mishkan

02/13/2024 05:48:19 PM


Rabbi Rudin

A Message for Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month

Can you imagine a situation in which you make a donation to a worthy cause - only to be told, no thank you?  We have enough?


That’s what...

Parshat Yitro - How Does the Covenant Work Exactly?

01/29/2024 09:59:23 AM


Rabbi Rudin


On the third new moon after the Israelites had gone forth from the land of Egypt, on that very day, they entered the wilderness of Sinai…the Israelites encamped there in front of the mountain.


Moses went up to God. יהוה called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus...Read more...

Hot off the Press! Shabbat Shirah, 5784

01/23/2024 01:55:06 PM


Rabbi Rudin

Counting Birds

Note: This Shabbat, Shabbat Shirah, the Shabbat of Song has a tradition to feed birds.   We devote one Shabbat a year to focusing on songs to G-d: birds sing to G-d constantly!  In gratitude to our winged friends, we scatter crumbs and seeds for them, especially in the winter.  Also, please take part in the worldwide bird count which runs from February 16-19, collecting important data on bird...Read more...

D’var Torah for Parshat Bo

01/17/2024 09:02:34 AM


Rabbi Rudin

What does it take for someone to change their mind?

Pharaoh is the archetype of the cruel, oppressive tyrant who is so filled with hate, so invested in his own power and ego that he refuses to have the slightest bit of empathy for the people he has enslaved and brutalized.  His lack...Read more...

Celebrate: It’s the Months of Shevat!

01/09/2024 11:25:20 AM


Rabbi Rudin

This month’s, (the Hebrew month of Shevat (January/February)) zodiac sign is Aquarius.  In Hebrew it’s called by the more prosaic name of דלי D’li- which literally means a bucket, water container or vessel.


Part of the meaning is purely geographical: in the...

Parshat Shemot: The Never-ending Exodus

01/02/2024 09:29:49 AM


Rabbi Rudin

I’ve heard that every person has a central metaphor through which they see life.  For some, life is a journey, for others a quest and for others perhaps a climb, a circus, a dream or even a feast.

In this week’s Torah portion, we are introduced to what I think is Judaism’s...Read more...

Recognizing the Brother in the Other- D’var Torah for Parshat VaYechi

12/27/2023 11:03:11 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Not just Fundraising… But Friendship! Adath Shalom pilots a Bridge-Building program with our Sister Community in Israel

In this week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, the long-estranged tribes of Israel are finally united once again.  The burden of generations of rivalry and hatred that...Read more...

D’var Torah: VaYigash 5784 - The Essence of the Book of Genesis and of the Torah

12/20/2023 08:47:41 AM


Rabbi Rudin

There is no more poignant and beautiful moment in the Torah than this week’s Parsha when Judah opens his heart to his estranged and unrecognized brother, begging for him to release Benjamin who has been framed, and to accept him, Judah, in his stead as a slave.

At that...

Page o Chanukah stuff

12/13/2023 09:42:51 AM


                                                                        Page O Chanukah...

Chanukah  5784

12/04/2023 08:53:02 AM


Rabbi Rudin

So here’s the question: Is Chanukah a historical commemoration? You know, the paradigm of Jewish holidays: they tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat.

Not according to Rabbi Tzadok of Lublin, one of the 19th century’s most creative and thoughtful Jewish...Read more...

Parshat VaYishlach, 5784 - The Kiss Heard Around the World (or was it a bite?)

11/28/2023 01:16:48 PM


Beyond being the sacred text that molded western civilization and has had the most impact of any work of literature ever, the Bible in and general and the Torah in particular contain what can only be described as incredible storytelling.

Take this week’s parsha.  Jacob and Esau,...

 Parshat Toldot/Chodesh Kislev, 5784 Chanukah, 5784:  Bringing and Being the Light

11/15/2023 09:55:51 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Three of our congregational leaders at the Washington Rally on November 14th


Adath Shalom’s Vice President gave us the theme of this year back at Rosh HaShana when she told us to Be the Light. Now, as we prepare for...Read more...

Chayei Sarah, 5784 Campus Update: One of our College Students Speaks out!

11/07/2023 05:35:28 PM


Sarah Imenu, Sarah Our Mother, whose life is celebrated in this week’s Parsha, exemplifies the authenticity and moral courage that nurtures the Jewish people to this day. It is appropriate to share the words of one of our community’s spiritual successors of Sarah as we continue to be nurtured by her example.

This week’s D’var Tora comes to us from Adath Shalom alumna, Carly, who celebrated her Bat Mitzvah at our shul and...Read more...

Hunkering Down or Heading Out?  

11/01/2023 10:42:18 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Abraham our Ancestor is not exactly a shrinking violet. When his nephew Lot is kidnapped among others by a large invading force, Abraham does not suffice with prayer. He assembles a small coalition and goes after the invaders.  Coming by night upon the overconfident army of the Mesopatamian...Read more...

It is Time to Pay Attention: D’var Torah for Lech L’cha, 5784

10/23/2023 09:14:15 AM


Rabbi Rudin

In this week’s Parsha, Lech L’cha, we are introduced to Abraham. 

Kind of a weird introduction, actually. “G-d said to Abraham, ‘Go from your country, your birthplace, your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will bless you and magnify your name and through you all the families of the...Read more...

Love for and of Israel

10/17/2023 01:33:42 PM


Jon Kessler


Dear Adath Shalom Family;

This week's D'var Torah was written by our member Jon Kessler. Jon asks us to look beyond the darkness and challenges of this moment and to reflect on our own relationship with the land and people of Israel.  Whatever your connection, I hope that you...Read more...

Simchat Torah - Judaism Celebrates Change

10/04/2023 09:19:13 AM


Rabbi Rudin

If you’ve seen or heard about Simchat Torah celebrations in New York, Moscow, Boston, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, London, Johannesburg, you know that they are huge, joyful spectacles where we dance our Torahs out into the streets and the joy, music and celebration are explosive and...Read more...

The Sukkah: Enduring in Its Impermanence Sukkot 5784

09/27/2023 08:58:03 AM


Rabbi Rudin


Sitting out in the Sukkah on a crisp fall evening is the mother of all immersive experiences.

You feel somehow secure and enclosed in the flimsy walls and patchy roof but at the same time, the fragility of the shelter makes you acutely aware of the outside darkness and the...Read more...

Yom Kippur, 5784

09/19/2023 08:44:19 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Every year we are asked to run a spiritual marathon - 25 hours of prayer, reflection, repentance and… fasting!

I hear stories of our ancestors in the old country making it a literal marathon where they are in shul for the entire time, everyone dressed in white robes,...Read more...

The Meaning of Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year, the Renewal of the World

09/11/2023 03:02:57 PM


Rabbi Rudin

Rosh HaShana is just another day, right? It’s not an equinox or a solstice. It has no astronomical significance. No eclipse, no magnetic flux, no bells and whistles. It’s not even the first month of the year - it’s the seventh. It’s not even the anniversary of the...Read more...

When Do We Do the Inner Work?

09/03/2023 10:21:33 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

D’var Torah for Selichot Services, 5783/2023

Selichot services take place on Saturday night and we hear again the plaintive...Read more...

The Shofar Ten - Part II - Rabbi Saadya Gaon’s Final Five Reasons for Sounding the Shofar

08/30/2023 06:49:33 AM


Rabbi Rudin

The sound of the Shofar is powerful, evocative, moving - but why exactly? To try to explain, Rabbi Saadya Gaon, Rosh Yeshiva of the Harvard of Yeshivas, Sura back in tenth century Babylonia, near modern day Baghdad assigned not one but ten Jewish historical moments that the Shofar...Read more...

The Shofar Ten - Part One

08/21/2023 12:34:54 PM


Rabbi Rudin


The plaintive cry of the Shofar is a highlight of Rosh HaShana but what exactly does it mean?

Tenth Century whiz-kid Rabbi (he was appointed head of the largest Yeshiva in Babylonia at only 36 years old) Saadia Gaon gives us ten spiritual associations that the Shofar...Read more...

Rosh Chodesh Elul: Sound the Shofar!  Eight Things to Know about Elul

08/14/2023 09:18:44 AM


Rabbi Rudin


The Jewish month that begins on Thursday and Friday is the last month of the year - Elul. The Shofar is sounded each day of Elul (including Rosh Chodesh and aside from the last day of the month) to awaken our souls to Teshuva (repentance),...Read more...

Parshat Re’eh: I have set before you a blessing and a curse… The Summer of 2023: Seeking blessing, facing challenges

08/08/2023 08:41:54 AM


Rabbi Rudin

This week’s parsha declares that in every circumstance, we have the opportunity to wrest blessings from challenges.

In a difficult summer that saw the highest recorded temperatures in history, filled our skies with smoke and challenged us with the anxieties of uncertain times,...Read more...

Parshat VaEtchanan- Shabbat Nachamu, the Shabbat of Consolation

07/24/2023 09:28:01 AM


Rabbi Rudin

The Unanswered Prayer


At that time, I begged G-d…let me please cross over and see the good land across the Jordan, the goodly highlands and the mountains of Israel! (Deuteronomy 3:25)

Moses has dedicated his entire...

The White Fast and the Black Fast... and Why-

07/18/2023 03:51:49 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

     Listen to Rabbi Rudin - Click HERE 

There are Two 24 hour Fast Days in Judaism: the White Fast of Yom Kippur and the Black Fast of Tisha B’Av.

Many people fast during...

                        Mattot-Masei: These are the Journeys of the Children of Israel…                           

07/11/2023 01:49:49 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

The Torah’s account of the forty-two encampments of our ancient travels through the wilderness on their way to Israel contains a message.  Miraculous wells of pure water that spring from the rocks, enemies that dog our steps but who fall before our faith,...Read more...

The Season of Sorrow:  Tisha B'Av  and the Three Weeks

07/04/2023 10:44:05 AM


 Know for certainty that every descent we experience in life is only for the sake  of rising up even higher

-Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav

 On the Ninth of Av, the Temple was destroyed and the Jewish people...Read more...

All of Us Means All of Us D'var Torah for  Parshat Chukkat-Balak

06/27/2023 10:21:19 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

This interpretation of the Torah narrative is inspired by Rabbinic teachings called Midrash.  

In this week’s Torah portion, those who hate and fear us, in this case, his majesty, Balak ben Tzippur, King of Moab and his allies, hire a major league sorcerer (in modern terms, we’d call him an ‘influencer’), Balaam, to curse us.  

I know that those you curse are cursed, says...

The End of Strife Parshat Korach, 5783Book of Numbers, 16-18

06/21/2023 11:37:57 AM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


This week’s Parsha, Korach, describes a terrible schism in the Jewish people.  The once righteous but ultimately mistaken and sinful Korach, who has been passed over for priestly leadership in favor of his cousin, Aaron, gathers a large group and attacks Moses...Read more...

The Five Minute Rabbi Part Two

06/13/2023 08:50:51 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Don’t Read- Listen!

Right Here


This is part II of a mini-podcast series on the laws of Shabbat observance in...Read more...

A Darkness that Can Be  Felt - Interfaith Dialogue in the Haze

06/07/2023 01:43:02 PM


Rabbi Rudin

Once a month I take part in an interfaith conversation with a group of Christians, Hindus and Muslims. Over the time that our Interfaith Council has met, we have learned to trust each other and become friends. Our discussions are open-hearted. Despite...Read more...

The Five Minute Rabbi

05/31/2023 09:29:47 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Don’t read this- listen to it right here!


The Torah says (Exodus, parshat Mishpatim): Six Days you shall labor and perform all of your...Read more...

       Shavuot: Seven Weeks to Freedom

05/23/2023 03:11:31 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


What is Shavuot?  Well, seven weeks ago we celebrated the anniversary of the Exodus. Freedom from slavery and the horrors of Pharaoh’s Egypt. ...Read more...

In the Desert: Again. Parshat BaMidbar

05/14/2023 07:02:22 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

In Numbers, the fourth book of the Torah, we join the Jewish people on their journey through the howling wilderness on our way to the Promised Land.  We encounter moments of joy and challenges of rebellion and disaster.  But through it all, though long...Read more...

The Secret of Jewish Observance

05/08/2023 10:52:09 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

Contemplating the Conclusion of the Jewish Year, 5783

Looking at Jewish spiritual life, it’s really astonishing just how much stuff we do.  I mean look at it:  We start the year by blowing loud blasts on Ram’s...Read more...

Lag B’Omer!  The Holiday of Hiddenness

05/03/2023 05:33:17 AM


Rabbi Rudin

No texts, no prayers, no services…. And no real name!  Lag B’Omer actually means “thirty three days of the Omer Count”! 


So what gives?


The Five Minute  Rabbi:  What to Know about...Counting the Omer!

05/02/2023 05:36:38 PM


Rabbi Rudin

                                                                                      See/hear this week's message on the go:  


Israel: It’s Not Complicated

04/25/2023 01:26:23 PM


Rabbi Rudin

It is very rare to see positive coverage of Israel in the world press.  There are too many examples and too much explanation is required to expose how profound the distortion is for this short message.  But as one who has been to Israel thirty times (at...Read more...

Take the Clean Speech Challenge - Together with Jewish Organizations and Shuls from all over Jersey!

04/18/2023 08:45:44 AM


Rabbi Rudin

Who is the one who desires life, who loves their days and sees good?  It is the one who guards their tongue from speaking ill, and their lips from guile, turning aside from hurtfulness, seeking peace and pursuing peace.

-Psalm 34:13-15

Judaism doesn’t...

Where is our miracle?   D’var Torah for the Seventh Day of Pesach

04/10/2023 11:23:14 AM


Rabbi Rudin


On the Seventh Day of Pesach which begins Tuesday night, we celebrate the Parting of the Sea of Reeds. 

The story goes like this: Pharaoh and Egypt have finally released Israel.  We head out, mustering at Ramses and then...Read more...

11/14/2022 03:22:11 PM


Update this content.

11/14/2022 03:20:54 PM


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Parshat VaYeraThe Power that is You

11/06/2022 10:53:09 AM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


Where does Abraham get the Chutzpah to Challenge G-d?

In this week's Torah portion, we find Abraham and Sarah living with a small group of their students, followers and families at the edge of the wilderness...Read more...

Lech L'cha:  Abraham's Altars-

11/01/2022 05:36:54 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


Reading this week's Torah portion, we see Abraham called by G-d to "Go forth from your land, from the place of your birth and from your father's house to the Land that I will show you."  Abraham's life from that point on seems to be...Read more...

Parshat Noah: Floating on the Seas of Chaos?

10/25/2022 12:19:54 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin



In this week's Torah portion, we retell the primordial tale of the Great Flood, followed by the confusion of tongues in the Tower of Babel.

Question: why was the first thing that the next generation after the flood did was build a...Read more...

10/25/2022 12:18:16 PM


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All Beginnings are Hard...  D'var Torah for Genesis, 5783

10/19/2022 05:18:52 AM


Rabbi Rudin


ויאמר אלוהים יהי אור- ויהי אור

And G-d said: Let there by light- and there was light!


As we set out on a new Jewish year, the...Read more...

Being Led: A Story for Sukkot

10/11/2022 07:53:29 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

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Being Led: A Story for Sukkot


This is a story about the great Rabbi, author and community leader Avraham ben Yitzchak Antibi of Aleppo (Syria), 1765-1858.  Rabbi Antibi’s great accomplishment was leading the Jewish community of Aleppo through a terrible crisis following a devastating earthquake.  This is a lighter hearted story...Read more...

This Sukkah /Self  We Build

10/06/2022 03:03:36 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


The holiday of Sukkot follows Yom Kippur by only a few days.   Why do we head out to live in booths right after the yearly ordeal of purification and renewal?

Maybe it’s like this: On the...

10/04/2022 03:39:03 PM


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I'm Starvin'!  What's Spiritual About  That??

09/28/2022 01:14:43 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

The Voice of the Belly and the Still Small Voice: A Preparation for Yom Kippur

In every book, movie, comic or even spoof about a spiritual quest, the seeker after truth is at first confused by their encounter with the master.  I'm dating myself here but one of the most iconic spiritual master/seeker disconnects was when aspiring Jedi Luke Skywalker meets the great Jedi Master...Read more...

The Ten Reasons why we Sound the Shofar: Video Series with Rabbi Rudin!

09/21/2022 01:02:03 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

Want to make Rosh HaShana a deeper spiritual experience?  Let the Shofar Guide You!!

Chapter One: Creating the Sound of Renewal and Return

Chapter Two: Ten Calls...

Apples and Honey and So Much More! Celebrating Rosh HaShana and Setting an Example

09/13/2022 02:56:39 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin



The Instructions

09/05/2022 07:01:12 PM


Rabbi Rudin

                                                               All of These Words of this Torah shall be in your heart…

-Deuteronomy 6


The   Hidden Thunder of the Shofar

08/30/2022 04:20:44 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin



08/28/2022 12:42:05 PM


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Elul: The King is in the Field

08/23/2022 12:30:58 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


The image of the High Holidays is that G-d's Presence is more revealed than at any other time.  The theology: is G-d immanent (close) or transcendent (distant), can an omnipresent G-d be "more present" at one time or place than any other etc. doesn't really come up. ...Read more...

Parshat Ekev- Check It!

08/15/2022 03:47:44 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

Parshat Ekev can be called "the Parsha of the Little Things".  The so-called minor Mitzvas that we tend to overlook or even ignore.  This D'var is dedicated to them... l'chaim to the small things- by which we live. 

I see it all the time. ...

Nachamu:What is Grief? What is Comfort?

08/09/2022 06:08:48 PM


Rabbi Rudin

                Shabbos Nachamu: From Mourning to Morning for All -

When we grieve, we traditionally tear our garments.  Why?

Jacob, Job, King David, the Judeans at the walls facing the...Read more...

Shabbat Chazon: The Shabbat of the Dark

08/01/2022 05:05:31 PM


Rabbi Rudin



Matot-Masei: What Kind of Promised Land will You Create?

07/25/2022 09:23:19 AM


Rabbi Rudin



The Three Weeks Begin...

07/18/2022 02:11:49 PM


Rabbi Rudin


The Jewish calendar is the photo album of our history, beliefs, doctrines and rituals.  Go through the Jewish year and you've pretty much got a picture of what we're all about.

Take the next three weeks for example.  These are where we store our most painful...Read more...

A Prayer for the 17th of Tammuz

07/11/2022 12:48:21 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

For all that we are a people of memory, we don't venerate the past.  Instead we live our history through the here and now by remembering and focusing on how ancient lessons can help move us forward.  

This Sunday we commemorate the 17th of Tammuz which begins the "Between the Straits", the 3 Weeks leading up to the Black Fast Day, Tisha B'Av.  Why do we need to relive the dark days when our Temple was destroyed, we...Read more...

July Fourth and the Seventeenth of Tammuz A Warning from an Ancient People

07/05/2022 11:46:12 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


Dedicated l’ilui...

In Tribute: Temple HaTikvah - a Legacy of Welcome

06/27/2022 08:13:09 AM


Rabbi Rudin

This week's D'var is dedicated to Temple HaTikvah, the shul that made me, whose farewell gala last night both broke my heart and filled me with new hope and inspiration.  The holy sparks created by this amazing community will continue to inspire through the ongoing Jewish connection and community-building of the generations of beautiful Yidden who carry and live the truths of this holy Kehilla.  We welcome those families who...Read more...

The Mitzvah of Tzitzit: Fringe Benefits

06/22/2022 10:43:32 AM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

Adonai said to Moses:  Speak to the Israelite people and tell them to make fringes on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, placing within the fringes a cord of royal blue.  When you see the fringes, you will remember all of HaShem's Mitzvot to do them and you will...Read more...

Parshat B'Ha'alotecha: Stop Kvetching.  No, really.

06/12/2022 04:19:50 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

Negativity, especially negative language, has literally brought on disaster.  In this week's parsha, what begins as an unspecified complaint about the trek to the Promised Land- despite the clouds of glory that shelter the nation- devolves into a ruckus about the heavenly Manna which nourishes the people and tastes...Read more...

The Battles of Summer

06/08/2022 12:51:30 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


The Jewish holiday cycle has ended with the last morsel of cheesecake on Shavuot.   Now, we get to have some fun in the sun...  relaxation, recreation...  

Yes, but....

Is it just me or is "yes, but" what Yiddishkeit (Judaism) says...Read more...

Shavuot:  All of Israel Stood at Sinai

05/31/2022 10:23:43 AM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin


                                                                                                Matan Torah - The Giving of the Torah | www.rivkalemberg.comRead more...

Climbing Sinai: Preparing for Shavuot

05/15/2022 05:49:33 PM


Rabbi Rudin


Coming in this year on June 4th, the two-day festival (one day in Israel) really wraps it up....or does it?

Shavuot, falling Seven Weeks to the day after Passover, connects Freedom to Freedom.

Freedom in the Passover sense means freedom from.  From what?  From...Read more...

Mon, May 13 2024 5 Iyyar 5784